Health Benefits of Drinking Brewing Cacao

Health Benefits of Drinking Brewed Cacao Brewing cacao is blowing up in popularity and for good reason. It’s exceptionally healthy, it’s delicious, and it’s a great alternative to coffee. Let’s look into some reasons as why brewing cacao is making a lot of headway in the hot beverage drinking community. Brewing cacao is emerging as … Read more

“Healthiest Chocolate” on Google is a Scam

Trust Issues with Top Google Results One of the driving motivators for creating this blog was this very example I’m about to delve into. I did a simple Google search and typed in, “best healthy chocolate” and clicked the first result. I landed on a blog post for a website called Everyday Health that recommends … Read more

Hydrangea Coffee Roasters

Hydrangea Coffee Roasters Hydrangea Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee roaster out of Berkeley, California. Their artwork is unique and memorable and their mission is to provide you with the highest quality, experimental coffee possible; all the while remaining ethically sourced and sustainable. Their slogan, “Light, Fruit-forward, Experimental Coffees” accurately encapsulates their brand. If you’re … Read more

Buying High Quality Cocoa Powder is Challenging

Looking at the top listings for “organic cacao powder” in Amazon, do you have any idea which are good? There’s lots of buzzwords and lots of healthy looking packaging. The results are going to surprise you. Click to find out which I have vetted to be a good purchase.